segunda-feira, 13 de outubro de 2008

Conferência Interacção 2008

No âmbito da Conferência Interacção 2008
terão lugar na Universidade de Évora as seguintes apresentações convidadas. A participação é aberta a todos os interessados na área.

Golan Levin (16 de Outubro às 9:30h)

I am interested in the medium of response, and in the conditions that enable people to experience "flow", or sustained creative feedback with reactive systems. In this regard I have found inspiration in the engaging interactive artworks of Myron Krueger and Toshio Iwai, and in the research of cognitive psychologist Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi. I am drawn to the revelatory potential of information visualization – whether brought to bear on a single participant, the world of data we inhabit, or the formal aspects of mediated communication itself. Here I have drawn from many teachers in the disciplines of conceptual art and information design. And I am fascinated by how abstraction can connect us to a reality beyond language, and the ways in which our gestures and traces, thus abstracted, can reveal the unique signatures of our spirits. My recent projects have explored the gestures of the hand and voice; in my new work, I have turned to the gestures of the eye, with the aim of creating engrossing, uncanny and provocative interactions structured by gaze. This presentation will discuss a wide range of my own works and those of others, with a particular attention to how the use of gestural interfaces, visual abstraction, and information visualization can support new modes of interaction and play.

António Câmara (17 de Outubro às 16h)

Digital television and cinema and interactive billboards are creating the need for new interfaces where the average distance between the user and content is three meters (3m interfaces). This presentation reviews gesture based and mobile control 3m interfaces that have been developed around the world. It also provides a perspective on future developments.

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